The day 28 of June will forever live in infamy. It was on this day that one of the most krapiest inter school festivals ever witnesed by the lovely Trivandrum city was held. We as alumini of the St. Thomas instituion set out hoping that for once let this great institute hold a function thats entertaining. But alas no... their persistence with mediocricity continues.
My first grudge is thst why hold a festival of this magnitude in a cramped auditorium that outlasted it's capacity ages ago when the school posses the know how and the moolah to hold the festival in the spacious hockey court.
Secondly , even if they want to squese in people in the hall y not atleast decorate the hall properly.. i mean the place looked like sit andthe only decoration visible was a pathetic baner dispalying the festival's name .. and an equaly pathetic tagline.
next would probably be the programmes arranged and even more would be the presenters. No one heard what the announcers were saying through out the quiz. What shocked me was that even the personality contest which is usually very entertaining.even that fizzled out. And i've gt fed up of complaining about the music and speaker systems they have at St. Thomas, can u imagine the speakers went dead in the middle of a group dance,pathetic really.. the speakers are probly fit for only storing chalks or some thing.
Well wat really dampened things for as alumini of STCS was the equally disinspiring display of our juniors. I mean out of 10 odd events they got one figgin 3rd place.. i mean wtf are our juniors tht krap. we got 2 fuckin days to practice for la fest and we ended up over all second I dont know how long these guys got for this fest but still this sort of display is pathetic really.
I am not here to criticize sum1 for no reason but this really is sumthing unfortunate. This will only lead to another hole in the fast deflating balloon called "reputation of ST.Thomas institutions".
As I said earlier 28th of june will forever be remembered as a day of INFAMY in the history of St: Thomas.
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