For those who didnt follow. THats the title of the controversial seventh grade text book that has sparked off a humungous uproar in Kerala. Now what exactly this lesson contains is a small story through which a moral is being attempted to convey.
In this story, A kid comes for admission accompanied by his parents. The headmaster of the school, asks the kid his name, the kid replies jeevan.
Thenn the father's name is asked to which comes the reply "Anwar Rasheed". Then the name of the mother is asked and the reply is "Lekshmi Nair".
At this juncture the headmaster stops and asks the relieegon of the child to which the father says the boy has no reliegon. When asked about his caste the same answer is received. Then the father tells the headmaster that the child is free to choose hhis own reliegon.
The lesson then dwells on to the merits of being rationalistic in life, and the demerits of reliegious fanaticsm. The spirit at face value is quite appreciable and is quite welcome. Then why has the opposition in kerala through their respective student wings unleashed hell throughout the state.
What seems to have pissed off the religious leadership of various reliegons most probably is the title which literally translates into life without reliegon and also the implicit hints at atheism seems to have irked them.But in a soceity such as kerala's wheere communal harmony is a matter of pride these incidents of violent protests seems to have taken everyone by surprise.
Though the question wether this incident would have received so much scrutiny if the lok sabha elections were not so close is another debate. But the fact remains that all religions have united to condemn this state sponored attack on their battalions of faithful, though it must be admitted that the ggovernament cannot be given a clean a chit because it has tried to push in communist ideologies through the text books.
But the fact remains that Indian soceity as a whole is still grappling with it's identity as a secular soceity. Our soceity is at a crucial juncture. The voices of the minority fascist right wingers and reliegious extremists are getting louder and the voice and spirit of scecular India is getting drowned in the process. It is therefore imperative that we as the upcoming generation bear in mind that before anything, we are always secular indians and in that alone can India's success be ensured.
nice post bro... agree with you a 100%... well, almost... I dont agree with the accusation of the govt trying to impart communist views to the students... thats bull shit really... all the rest... i gottta gree with you...
and i am raised xctly as it is in that book... i was given the choice to choose my religion and i decided that theres no god...
BTW wat is 17553?? ur kerala rank or something?
good read...:D..dont exceed:D..or it'll be boring..g2g now
Prathik, Only some question is enough to ask with respecting your views is, If no God exist, then how these billions of planets come to existence and moves on their orbits. How they circles within a destined time. How our planet is set moving around a planet which schedule a day with daylight and night. If no mastermind behind all these creation, how the maintenance of this schedule goes on without any interruption. Why human have no control over the lifetime. Who then fixed life span upon each of us. What is the purpose of human and the life. What about the people around the world who are victimised by inhuman acts and are denied justice in this world. Are there any alternative for an aethiest to seek final justice other than the justice here where the culprits could easily be escaped by influence or lack of evidence. So what if no one is accountable for the act they committed here.
Human are gifted with wisdom and understanding by which we able to compass and comprehend. It would not be wise using this privilege with limited knowledge the person carry.
Here on the subject, it is easy to ignore such questions, but reason and logic will establish the truth behind the creation and it only can create life peaceful and balanced in its complete sense.
Regarding the Non-religious Soul.
It is good approach as someone like Jeevan free to choose a religion he find with reason. The purpose behind it is very clear as it skips the details of what a religion suppose to be. Succintly, I could say that Marxism follows some ideology as it is proven to be religion even they disagree with. Just look at their customs, function of their marriage, or their funeral, or anything related to a human in one way or other they bound to follow. The clash between their followers and others are the same where it is taken to be as political. The victims are here also the human. All the good things we adhere which we derived from our morals and ethics taught by religion. Marxism has no accountability on ethics and values where no one there to make any final justice. Who bother about deceiving fellow human if he get a chance especially in this modern world where money makes power. Innocents are victimised. Everybody realise at the end there is a God Almighty to whom we are bound to return for final justice for all our good and bad actions. Otherwise this world is meaningless. Anyhow just think practically.
the najeeb above wasnt me ...:p
no offense prathik..
but it looks like there are many things common bw us other than the name
man created religions..religions created god..religion poisons everything..lets leave all that and be human..
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