Well we all kno the BSNL tagline. They conect India. But God knows how pathetically they do it. I mean cmon, the main reson i'm ritin this is bcos is i hate their braodband speeds. Consider this i subscribed to 2 MBPS speeds hopin for atleast 150 KBPS and above and they had a scheme tht 2AM-8AM free download withiut limits. During my first month of subscription i never managed to get up in the time for the free download but consistently hit 150KBPS.
And then i tested my nitetime speed ... Horrific really. Speed was around 12-16 KBPS. Max probably around 30. I mean i pay 600 every month for this krap? And i'm gettin only started. Their call centre is horrible. One person i knew, when he called up he was aked which OS he was using. The guy said Linux. The call center person said " we dont handle such things " and hung up the phone!!!!!
Hu call this service. And then comes their cell phone service. The voice clarity is krap and half the time wen u wanna kall sum1 urgently... the msg pops up "network busy"
I mean wat the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! i;M SO PISSED UP ABOUT THIS THAT I'M USING EXPLETIVES ON MA BLOG. Lets hope they prop up the best thing they provided, their BROADBAND service and help deprieved souls like me to xperience the satisfaction of fast download
i also agree with yu 100%
their broadband suks
nowadays broadband is bcoming more like dial up
i find it hard to agree with you... am a BSNL BB user and theirs is by far the best i hav heard of and used... mines unlimited connection with 256kbps... i consistently get 30KBps speed as is expected of my connection....
so true man....
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